Universal Single Ended Output Transformers for Tube Amps

Author: Kevin M  Date Posted:3 November 2017 

Universal Single Ended Tube Output Transformers


  • Designed for general purpose or replacement use (not Hi-Fi), in single ended, tube output circuits.
  • Frequency response: 100 Hz. - 15 Khz at full rated power (+/- 1db max. - ref. 1 Khz).
  • For full frequency response (20 Hz. to 20 Khz.) - see our 1627-1642 Series.
  • For push-pull output use, see our 125 Series.
  • Open style with minimum 12" long primary & secondary leads.
  • All sizes use butt stacked cores (using 29M6 steel) with an air gap, to reduce D.C. core saturation.
  • Primary impedance range from 2,500 to 10,000 Ohms.
  • Secondary impedance range from 4 to 32 Ohms.
Part No. Audio Power Max. D.C. Bias
(Watts) (ma)
125ASE 3 25
125BSE 5 45
125CSE 8 60
125DSE 10 70
125ESE 15 80
125FSE 20 90
125GSE 25 100
Part No. Inductance Minimum DC Resistance (+/- 20%)
125ESE 9.58H 90.6 Ohms


Tube Output (30 - 75 Watts) Single Ended - HI-FI

recommended tubes in the table below transformer models


  • "Overdesigned" for high fidelity, single-ended, Class-A, tube output circuits (triode, tetrode or pentode tubes).
  • Enclosed (shielded), four slot, chassis Type "X" mounting.
  • Frequency response at least 20 Hz. to 20 Khz. at full rated power (+/- 1 db max., ref. 1 Khz.)
  • Insulated flexible leads 8" min.
  • For maximum versatility, all units (except the 1642SE & 1638SEA) include a 40% screen tap for Ultra-Linear, tetrode/pentode operation (if desired). The 1642SE & 1638SEA do NOT include this screen tap as they were designed principally for high impedance triode tubes.
  • High quality laminations, (M6) grain oriented silicon steel.
  • Core is gapped to reduce core saturation in Class-A tube amplifier circuits.For general purpose or replacement use in single ended tube output circuits see our 125SE Series
Part No. Audio Watts Impedance (Ohms) Primary Max DC Bias Inductance Ultra Linear 40% Primary Tap Secondary Impedance (Ohms) Hipot Test (VRMS)
1626SEA 25 600 200 ma. 2.9 Henrys Yes 4-8-16 2000
1640SEA 30 1250 200 ma. 14 Henrys Yes 4-8-16 2000
1627SEA 30 2500 160 ma. 20 Henrys Yes 4-8-16 2000
1630SEA 30 3500 135 ma. 42 Henrys Yes 4-8-16 2000
1628SEA 30 5000 120 ma. 48 Henrys Yes 4-8-16 2000
1642SE 75 5000 300 ma. 53 Henrys No 4-8-16 3500
1629SEA 30 6500 100 ma. 55 Henrys Yes 4-8-16 2000
1638SEA 30 10000 90 ma. 88 Henrys No 4-8-16 2000
Part No. Triodes Pentodes
1626SEA 6C33 -
1640SEA Parallel - 2A3, 6A3, 6B4G, 300B, 572B, 811A Parallel - 6550, 6CA7
1627SEA 2A3, 6A3, 6B4G, 300B 6CA7, 6L6, 807, 5881, 6550, Parallel - 6AQ5, 6V6, EL84
1630SEA 2A3, 6A3, 6B4G, 300B 6CA7, 6L6, 807, 5881, 6550, Parallel - 6AQ5, 6V6, EL84
1628SEA 211, 300B, 572B, 811A 6AQ5, 6V6, 6L6, 807, 5881, 6550, EL84
1642SE Parallel - 211, 572, 811A, 845 -
1629SEA 211, 811A, 572B, 845 6AQ5, 6V6, 6L6, 807, 5881, 6550, EL84
1638SEA 211, 845